28th ARTS Awards Finalists Announced

Banner_Logo_2017Finalists Announced for the 28th Annual ARTS Awards

DALLASSeptember 6, 2016 – Dallas Market Center, co-founder and producer of the ARTS Awards, and ART, the creative home furnishings network, today announced the finalists for the 28th annual ARTS Awards.

The ARTS Awards, presented each January during the Dallas Total Home & Gift Market, honors top manufacturers, retailers, designers and sales representatives. The 28th annual ARTS winners will be revealed during a gala event on Friday, Jan. 20, 2017.

“We are both thrilled and grateful to be able to recognize those who have exemplified leadership, dedication and ingenuity in our industry over the past year,” Cindy Morris, president and CEO of Dallas Market Center, said. “We congratulate all of the finalists and look forward to a wonder evening at the ARTS Awards gala in January.”

“These 28th ARTS Awards finalists are very deserving of the recognition.  I’m very excited to see many new competitors in this year’s group of finalists,” Sharon Davis, executive director of ART, said. “I look forward to working with all of the companies and individuals nominated this year.”

The finalists each submit a creative digital presentation to a panel of distinguished judges. Digital submissions vary based on category and may consist of product development, marketing, merchandising or company differentiation examples. In November, the judges will convene in Dallas for two days to review each individual or company submission. Once all components of judging are complete, a designated accounting firm will tabulate and secure the scores until the winners are announced for the first time at the ARTS Awards gala.

28th ARTS Awards Finalists

Nominating Committee for ARTS Awards Announced

DALLAS / Charlotte, NC – July 29, 2016 – Dallas Market Center and ART, the creative home furnishings network, today announced the members of the ARTS Awards Nomination Committee, a group of independent industry professionals who evaluated the list of hundreds of nominees submitted online. The results will be the list of ARTS Awards finalists, who will then submit materials for judging in the fall.

The 2017 ARTS Awards Nomination Committee are:

  • Russ Jones, Sales Rep, Ivystone
  • Dwayne Clark, Owner, Dwayne Clark IDMG
  • Laura Van Zeyl, Editor, Residential Lighting/Home Fashion Forecast
  • Jenny Heinzen York, Editor in Chief, Home Accents Today
  • Jason Harris, Co-Owner/Founder, Furnitureland South/Design Network
  • Richard Condanti, Owner and President, Bella Casa
  • Rick Janecek, Co-Owner, Hadley Drive
  • Cody Ables, CEO + Creative, CODARUS
  • Amir Loloi, Owner, Loloi Rugs
  • Kelli Ellis, Co-Founder, Product Designer, Design Campus
  • Randy Eller, President, Eller Enterprises
  • Shelia Butler, President, Shelia Butler Consulting

The ARTS Awards, presented each January during the Dallas Total Home & Gift Market, recognizes top manufacturers, retailers, designers and sales representatives from across the world. The 28th annual ARTS winners will be revealed during a gala event on Friday, Jan. 20, 2017.

Keep up-to-date on all ARTS Awards information by visiting dallasmarketcenter.com/artsawards

ART Adds New Board Members

July 11, 2016 – Charlotte, NC – ART, the creative home furnishings network, welcomes two new board members to the ART Board of Directors. Nicole Bowling, Residential Lighting and Home Fashion Forecast and Janice Lassiter, Home Accents Today will serve on the board through October 31, 2017.

“We are honored to welcome these talented and committed leaders to the ART Board and look forward to working with them. These ladies bring a unique prospective to our board and we know their contributions will be valuable to our programs and mission:, said Susan Andrulis, IMAX, and president of ART.

ART board members are required to submit an application for service, to attend three of the four regularly scheduled board meetings per year and govern the operation of the association. This term of service is ends October 31, 2017. To view the complete board of directors, click here.

For more information on the ART and membership, please visit www.accessoriesresourceteam.org or call 704-376-4278.

Spike the Night – ART Event in Las Vegas


CHARLOTTE, N.C., July 8, 2016 – The creative home furnishings network, ART will host “Spike the Night” on Sunday, July 31, 2016 6:00 to 7:30 pm at the Gold Spike Living Room and Playground in old Las Vegas for ART members and their guests.  The event is sponsored by the Las Vegas Market.


Spike the Night is another member fun night.  Attendees will be treated to drinks and munchies and can play giant vintage games like Four Square, Connect Four, Twister, Soccer Pool and much more while networking with market peers.  Reservations to attend are required.

ART Statement on HB2

CHARLOTTE – April 8, 2016 –  The mission of ART – The Creative Home Furnishings Network is to support all aspects of the home accessories industry; and inclusiveness is a core value of our organization.  We are unequivocally opposed to the recent HB2 legislation recently enacted in North Carolina.  We along with many others in the industry believe we should stand together in our opposition to this legislation and continue to support each other, this unique industry and the High Point Market.   Punishing our buying venues is not the answer to this discriminatory bill and will inflict harm on our industry’s growing momentum.  As a member-based organization, ART respects the varied viewpoints that contribute to the creative and collaborative environment we encourage, but as an organization, we must voice our concern over HB2.