The Show Must Go On – Howard Elliott

Despite the cancellation of the Spring High Point Market, The Howard Elliott Collection has decided that THE SHOW MUST GO ON!

The company developed over 100 new products that would have been introduced last week in our High Point Showroom. These new introductions touched on all the categories we offer: Decorative Mirrors, Accent Furniture, Decorative Accessories and Wall Art.

Howard Elliott has unveiled their new Spring Collection digitally in their new Spring 2020 Catalog. Viewers can flip through 64 pages of introductions incorporated into lifestyle settings reminiscent of the memorable vignettes that would have been seen in their High Point Showroom. “We are entering a new era and thus, we are proactively becoming more nimble to ensure our product launches are presented in a way that our customers can appreciate,” says Howard Elliott President and Founder, Brian Berk.

The pages of the digital catalog offer clickable links that direct you to the respective product page on Howard Elliott’s website where you can view lifestyle images, product detail images, stock status and other product detail information. Viewers with an online account can shop directly from the pages! View the catalog here: Howard Elliott Spring 2020 Catalog >

“We are excited to launch our Spring 2020 Collections and we felt it was important to create the virtual catalog as well as replicate some of the vignettes that customers would have seen in our High Point Showroom. The best thing to do in a time of uncertainty, is to try new approaches!” said Berk.

The Howard Elliott Collection remains open with domestic production manufacturing an average of 1,500 face masks per day! Utilizing all safety precautions and with many of the company’s staff working from home, Howard Elliott is still processing and shipping orders daily.

The Howard Elliott Collection opened its doors in 2001, and has been redefining the home furnishing and hospitality industry ever since. With a warehouse just 20 miles west of Chicago, Howard Elliott works to create exceptional products that transform a house into a home. When they are not helping out by making masks during the COVID-19 crisis, they are often known for their beautiful and innovative designs of decorative mirrors, home accessories, and accent furniture.

ART Launches ARTful Wednesdays

ART Launches ARTful Wednesdays During This Work From Home Time

April 2, 2020 – Charlotte, NC – Next week, ART (Accessories Resource Team), the creative home furnishings network, will launch a new virtual series, ARTful Wednesdays.

“None of us have experienced anything like this COVID-19 situation before. Most of our member companies are under mandate to work from home and we feel the loss of connecting with each other”, said Lois Del Negro, Global Views and President of ART. “Networking is one of our association’s strengths and we’re missing out on that opportunity with our annual conference cancellation which was scheduled for this week and then no Spring Market either. We are launching a virtual schedule that incorporates education and network community time to make up for our loss of connectivity.”

The first ARTful Wednesday is ART Talks, a member community hangout, on April 8. Next up and open to the industry at large on April 15, there will be a webinar – Trends from Maison Objet presented by Patti Carpenter, carpenter + company and sponsored by Maison Objet. For more information on these sessions and more, visit the ART website events page. More Wednesday sessions will be added to the schedule as they become available.

A message from Rizzy Home

Blog Post –  Mavericks of the Century

We are 20-something days into recovery in my little home town from the F-4 tornado that sat down and stayed wayyyyy too long. And on its perilous heels, COVID-19 hopped on the train of heartbreak and misery and is hanging on for a wild ride. Anxiety and uncertainty with every news “Special Report” and with every phone call starting with “I need to talk to you about something”.

Read more… 

ART Conference 2020 Canceled

Charlotte, NC  –  March 13, 2020 –  In the interest of the health and safety of our attendees and to heed the nationwide call to limit travel and large gatherings, ART Conference 2020 on April 2-5 in Fort Myers, is canceled.   While the conference is a smaller gathering, with the escalating spread of COVID-19 and the recent postponement of the High Point Market in April, the ART Board of Directors feel that the safety and well-being of industry colleagues is the organization’s first-priority.

Conference attendees will need to cancel their own hotel reservations directly with the Marriott Sanibel Hotel.   ART will be in contact with attendees and sponsors with further instructions.

ART appreciates the loyal support of the conference sponsors, registered attendees and speakers that committed to participate this year and all will be given priority when the next meeting date is secured.